by Sylvia S. Medel

White and dainty Jasmine flowers
their lovely scent waves in air—
then vanishes as the petals fall,
but the love in my heart for you always stays.
Icicles come down from heaven
like pearls cascading unto the trees,
when sunbeams shine on them, they melt,
but the love in my heart for you always stays.
Trees get robed in flaming red and gold; the hills
and valleys turning into beauteous scenes to behold!
Soon trees get naked, feeling cold, as leaves drift away,
but the love in my heart for you always stays.
Mother Nature brings the four seasons of the year,
each distinct beauty unveiled for everyone to enjoy.
Yet like the saying that’s often heard—
as fickle as the wind, seasons come and go away,
but the love in my heart for you always stays.
* Published in Ageless and Endless Journey to Poetry
Memoirs in Poetry ©2019 by Sylvia S. Medel