by Patti Bertwell - Member of the Dancing Dames

Have you ever dreamed of discovering The Fountain of Youth? Well it seems that the Dancing Dames from Taps ’n Tunes Productions have found a way to “Tap” into the Fountain of Youth. They have found that Tap Dancing is what is keeping them young, physically and mentally. Much research has shown that keeping active as we age IS the key to better health and happiness. However, some physical activity as we know, is just NOT fun. This group of dancers have found the way to stay physically active and have FUN!
The average age of the Dancing Dames is from 55-75years old. Tap dancing has definitely kept these ladies on their toes. You would not be able to determine their age if you saw only their legs! Dance keeps the dancers’ legs very shapely! They not only practice weekly but perform around the communities at retirement centers, nursing facilities and events honoring our Veterans.
Some of the tappers had not danced since they were much younger when they joined the group but the desire to take up tap dancing again drew them to Taps ’n Tunes. And now with weekly practices and after many performances they realize that one is NEVER too old to dance.
Research shows that tap dance is one of the best cardiovascular exercises you can get. Also the rhythmic aspects are good for the brain. Its great for balance because of the weight shift involved. You may even forget how beneficial it is for you because of the fun you are having.
Many of you may not be quite ready (or willing) to join a group like The Dancing Dames but finding and taking an adult tap class is possible…at ANY age. Many dance studios and recreation centers offer Adult Tap Dance for beginners and for anyone who has tapped in the past and are ready to revisit this art form. It can definitely improve your mood and attitude! And at the same time it can protect your memory with learning sequences of steps as they are learned.
So if you are considering a new and different type of fitness and fun, think outside the box and try “hoofing” it! Be like the Dancing Dames of Taps ’n Tunes from Ft. Worth and discover YOUR own fountain of youth! •
For more information about the Dancing Dames of Taps, you can email Patti Bertwell at