by Brittani Houghtlen - Social Media Director at Celebration

Have you been pulled aside by an excited family member or a grandchild with a phone in your face to see a video of someone doing a trick, making a family recipe, or a cute dog, well, just being cute?
That, my friends, is the wonder known as TikTok!
Initially, the TikTok app was called and it focused on people lip-syncing to songs, but as it grew in popularity, it became a place for new dance trends, funny jokes, food, or makeup reviews.
TikTok is a simple way to connect individuals worldwide and show them new or exciting things; some channels are even informational with animal facts or science experiments. The exciting thing about TikTok is once you start playing with it, the algorithm understands what content you would like to see and shows you videos that will be interesting to you.
TikTok became very useful and popular at the height of the pandemic when everyone was stuck inside and bored.
There is something for everyone on TikTok. Any hobby or interest you may have, there is a group or section that you can dive into with endless scrolling.
However, one of the best parts of TikTok is that videos are between seven seconds to a maximum of three minutes, thus not forcing you to waste time.
Now, why would we at Celebration Magazine be talking about all this?
Well, Celebration has just launched our TikTok page. You can find us on TikTok by searching @CelebrationMagazine, where you will be able to see and interact with videos created by members from our Celebration community.
On our page (FYP – FOR YOU PAGE), we will showcase our talented seniors telling jokes, showing off their prized collections and hobbies, and our Advertising Partners answering the questions you need to be answered and so much more!
But don’t just check out our FYP (For You Page), search the many influential seniors on TikTok with hundreds, even millions of followers. You will get a kick out of what they are sharing!
To find seniors on TikTok, you must know the HASHTAGS to follow. For example, when you type in #TikTokOver60 or #SeniorsOfTikTok, you will see videos from people just like you from all over the world. Celebration will also be using the hashtags #CelebratingLifeAfter60 and #CelebratingSenior.
Don’t forget to Celebrate Life After 60, with Celebration Magazine on TikTok by following us on the TikTok app at @CelebrationMagazine. Download the app on your Android or iPhone to begin having fun on TikTok.
If you have any questions about TikTok, call our office at 469-532-2622 and we will guide you through.
See you on TikTok!