by Jill Rumbley-Beam

Since other months, like January are named after Roman gods, you’d be forgiven for thinking February was named after the Roman god, Februus. But the word February comes from the Roman festival of purification called Februa, during which people are ritually washed.
Now when I think of February, I think of love and commitment. 1 Peter 4:8 tells us, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins”. But some say that February is a good time to release new music because the market isn’t as saturated as later in the year.
I know we all have our favorite love songs. I’m going to share my favorites with you that are totally “old school”.
The song, Let Me Call You Sweetheart, was written by Beth Slater Whitson in 1911. The song recording was selected by the Library of Congress as a 2015 addition to the recording registry, which selects recordings that are culturally historically or aesthetically significant. Fleisher Studios, featuring Betty Boop and Bimbo. In 1936, Mickey Rival, Minnie Mouse hums it and Mickey Mouse whistles it while setting up their picnic. In 1937, Alfalfa, Carl Switzer, sings the song to Darla Hood in an episode of the Little Rascals. Finally, in 1984, on an episode of the television show, Hart to Hart, Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers sang it to each other at the end of the fifth season episode.
Another oldie but goodie love song, in my loving opinion, is the song Embraceable You. This is a jazz standard song written by George Gershwin and lyrics by Ira Gershwin. The song was first written in 1928 for an unpublished operetta named East is West. The song was published in 1930 and included that years Broadway musical, Girl Crazy, performed by Ginger Rogers in a song and dance routine, choreographed by Fred Astaire. Billie Holiday’s version of this famous song was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2005.
I would be remiss if I didn’t write about some famous love songs from musicals. My favorite musical is the Music Man and the love song from that musical is ‘Till There Was You. This song was originally recorded as Till I Met You by Eileen Wilson in 1950. The song was performed by Fran Warren for a show titled, The Big Show in 1951. The song was later revised to Till There Was You, which was first produced by Nelson Riddle, featuring his orchestra and a seventeen-year-old vocalist, Sue Raney. Promotional copies were released on a seven-inch, single record (remember these?) in 1957. This song is in the second act of The Music Man, sung by Marian Paroo, played by Barbara Cook, for the original cast, on Broadway and then later Shirley Jones for the 1962 movie adaptation. This song was also sung by the Beatles.
Another one of my favorite musicals is Guys and Dolls. The love song from this musical is titled, I’ve Never Been in Love Before. This song was written by Frank Loesser, published in 1950. The song was a duet from the musical and is sung by the characters, Sky Masterson and Sister Sarah Brown. In the play, it immediately follows a short solo, My Time of Day, sung by Sky. Both songs were used as background music in the 1955 film adaptation of the musical, which was replaced by a duet, A Woman in Love. This song was sung by many including Bing Crosby, Bobby Darin and Doris Day.
Finally, one of my grandmother’s favorites, Tea for Two! This song was composed by Vincent Youmans, with lyrics by. Irving Caesar. It was introduced in 1924 by Phyllis Cleveland and John Barker during the Chicago pre-Broadway run of the musica, No No Nannette. When the show finally hit Broadway in 1925, Nanette was played by Louise Groody and her duet with John Barker of Tea for Two was a hit! The song went on to be one of Youman’s greatest hits. My mom, Rosemary Rumbley, was in this musical at the Music Hall in Dallas. She played Pauline, the maid, and the star of this show was none other than Ginger Rogers. I was so excited to meet Ginger, me being a tap dancer, that I raced backstage to have her sign the sole of my tap shoes. What a thrill!
I hope you enjoyed your LOVE trip down memory lane!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I love music
And I hope you do too!