by Mary-Frances Hansen

I have traveled the world extensively and LOVE is an universal need. I have been to 137 countries and all 7 continents. Even though people come from different cultures all over the world and from all walks of life, we all need LOVE! It is energy and we need it as much as we need air to breath. Love truly makes the world go round. Can you image what life would be like without it? We all need each other and we need to be loved. Wonderful quote by, Lao Tzu, A Chinese Philosopher, “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage!” Love is a very positive emotion and can be expressed in a variety of ways.
The Greeks have four words to describe Love. The first word that refers to the love of God is called Agape. This is an unconditional love for one another and this is how God loves us. We are to love one another unconditionally and even our enemies. Agape love is a love for every one. This is the type of love we should strive to have for each other. An inspiring scripture from the Bible, John 13:34, “A new command I give you, love one another as I have loved you!”
The second word for love is Phileo which means brotherly love. It is a warm and platonic affection between friends. We need this friendship who will stand by us with loyalty and be emotionally connected, This is the kind of true friendship with whom we can share our deepest thoughts and emotions.
The third word for love is Eros and is also referred to us as the Greek God of love. It is an intense love that arouses romantic feelings. It is an emotional and sexual love for someone.
The fourth word for love is Storge and is also referred to as Familial love. This is a Greek word for natural affection. It is a love that parents have for their children, family members have for each other, for your pets, and your friends.
Love is an incredible gift that we have which binds us all together in perfect unity, A compassionate love for others creates true happiness. Quote from the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:4 “Love is patient ,kind and love does not envy or boast.” Love can help reduce feelings of isolation and depression and increase feelings of happiness and belonging. It can also help build self-esteem and a sense of security. I love the beautiful quote by Mother Teresa, “Spread love wherever you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”
Scientific studies have shown that love causes our body to release feel-good hormones and neuro-chemicals that trigger specific, positive reactions. Levels of dopamine and adrenaline increase when people are in love with other people. It helps reduce anxiety, worry, nervousness, and lowers the chance of developing depression or another form of mental illness. People become healthier psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually. We develop strong relationships that understands and not be so judgmental, and we get fulfillment of living beyond ourselves!
Everyone needs to be valued, appreciated, and encouraged. We need to bring out the best in people. We are to encourage one another and build them up to be a positive influence in someone's life. Quote by Booker T. Washington, “If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” It is most important to have healthy relationships with friends. Unhealthy relationships can definitely have an impact on your health and mental well-being. Developing and maintaining good relationships takes effort. A meaningful quote by Albert Camus, A French Algerian writer and journalist,“Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend.”
True friends can help you celebrate good times and provide support during bad times. True friends are like angels adding blessings to your life! We all need to find friendships who challenge and inspire us. We need to spend a lot of time with them because they will change our lives !! A lovely quote by Helen Steiner Rice, “Friendship is a golden chain, the links are friends so dear, and like a rare and precious jewel, it's treasured more each year.”
Love and friendships are what makes the world go round. Can you image what the world would be like without them ??? We all need each other and we need to be loved and share our love with others! God has blessed me with the gifts of helps and service and an abounding love for others! Do something nice for someone today out of Love. This will bring so much joy, not only to them but to you!!!! Stay Strong, Stay Safe, and Keep the Faith!!!!