by Mary Frances Hansen

When I think of the Golden Years, I think it is the phase of life that begins in a person's senior years and after retirement around the age of 60 or 65. Senior years are called “Golden Years” because of our wealth of wisdom and experiences that come with age. As a senior we have seen so many world changes and experienced countless challenges which have given us different perspectives on life. We have gathered insights that are invaluable to the younger generations. The Roman poet Ovid mentioned the Golden Age in his work “Metamorphoses,” where he described a time when humans lived in harmony with nature, free from the toils and troubles of life.
In our Golden Years seniors have a sense of freedom and leisure. Seniors have spent years raising families, working in the work place and meeting various responsibilities. In retirement seniors have the opportunity to pursue hobbies, travel, play pickle ball, boccie ball, play games at senior centers, and spend quality time with their friends and loved ones. Seniors are free to sleep late and not be on a schedule, enjoying the fullness of life.
Studies have shown with older adults comes a greater acceptance of oneself than when they were younger. This acceptance can lead to a more positive outlook and a deeper appreciation for the simple joys of life. When we are younger we sometimes seem to expect more out of ourselves.
It is so important for seniors to continue to socialize with family and friends and stay active. Volunteering is a a great way to stay active, and it such a joy not only to yourself by helping someone, but also to others. There are so many opportunities for volunteering. I know elementary schools are always looking for seniors to visit and read to the kids. So many charity organizations and hospitals need help with volunteers. RSVP (Retired Senior Citizen Program) always needs volunteers.
Friends are valuable and essential in our lives..Quote from the Bible, Ecclesiastes 4:9 “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up the other. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!” Friendships improve physical and mental health. It is important to surround yourself with people who challenge and inspire you. Spend time with them and it will change your life. Friends can help us celebrate good times and provide support during bad times. Studies have found socializing can strengthen our immune systems and can help us recover more quickly from an illness, helps lower our blood pressures, and the risk of heart disease, sharpen our memories and can help us get a better night's sleep. Socializing can improve our odds of living longer. Sweet friendships refreshes the soul and true friends are great riches!!!!!
Friends can help motivate us to have more of a positive attitude and adopt healthy habits. Our mindset believes interacting with friends will be fun and exciting, our results will reflect that because socialization prompts positivity. We need friends that are supportive and share our interests.
Now I know finding new friends in our Golden Years sometimes can be a little more challenging and require a little extra effort. As we grow older common life changes such as loosing a spouse, having more health issues, loss of vision and hearing, cognitive decline, among other diseases can take a toll on our social lives. Regardless of what we might be experiencing, we must make ourselves stay active and develop friendships. Friends are family we find along the way. If not, we may start experiencing loneliness. Loneliness has been linked to a higher risk of cognitive decline, dementia and depression, while socializing can improve our odds of living longer. According to one study, people with stronger connections to family and friends have a 50% greater chance of outliving those with fewer social lives. People who are involved with social activities will most likely take better care of themselves so they can continue their regular social activities. My sweet and faithful friend Carol Swanson sent me a card that read...”Friends and shoes have a lot in common...the perfect ones are hard to find, but once you do you can't imagine life without them!” Bottom line......Friends and Socialization Are Essential!
Stay Strong, Stay Safe, and Keep the Faith!!!